Drum & Drummer – An Evening with Man Forever

Man Forever

OK this one is impossible to find. I don’t have one – which is unfortunate because it’s definitely the best package of anything I’ve released. This came out on Sharon Gear’s label Party Store for Man Forever’s first tour in 2010. I’m not sure many people bought this. . .it comes with a trading card with my head on Ron Francis’s body. I grew up in Connecticut and was a fan of the Hartford Whalers. Between the periods they would have CT youth hockey one-on-one shootouts – where a forward and goalie from various youth hockey teams around the state would compete to see who would get the most goals. I grew up in Litchfield County CT – in the northwest corner of the state. . .the least populated county. I was selected to go to the Hartford Civic Center and compete one winter. It was really scary and exciting but our team didn’t win mostly because I didn’t score any goals. . .there is no evidence of this cassette on the internet (until now). The photo evidence was supplied by Manish Agarwal. Thanks brah!

Drum and Drummer Outer